ClaySys Home Automation System

The ClaySys Home Automation System

While designing the lifestyle experience for each home being constructed by ClaySys Lifestyle Pvt Ltd in Kochi, it became apparent that a smart home automation solution or rather having a remote control for all the connected power appliances and power points within the home would be an appropriate and necessary feature towards achieving the ease and convenience envisioned. While it is an incremental thought to apply modern technology into the home, it was also imperative to ensure that the home automation system worked seamlessly alongside the traditional mechanical switches as well, to ensure that senior citizens or otherwise technology-averse users could continue to operate every aspect of the home, the traditional way. The ClaySys Home Automation system is a Smartphone app that integrates with the electrical and electronics implemented, to present a user-friendly remote control to switch on or off any power point or appliance within the home by using the app.

Home Automation System Features

Home Automation System - IOT enabled Lights

Control the IoT enabled Lights and Fans through the mobile application from anywhere in the world

The smart home automation system allows homeowners to control electrical equipments sitting anywhere in the world. The IoT enabled household equipment are connected to the mobile application via the internet.

Switch on/off the room AC ducts and know the room temperature

The central air conditioning system deployed in the apartment and villa can be switched off and on from the smart home automation system. The app also lets you see the room temperature.

Home Automation System - AC Controls
Home Automation System - Track The Power Consumption

Track the power consumption of electricity for AC and other high consumption electrical/electronic devices

The ClaySys home automation system is deeply integrated into the electricals of every home we build. The power consumed by each individual equipment can be tracked and early identification of high power-consuming devices is beneficial for the homeowner to conduct repairs/maintenance at the right time and save electricity bills.

Schedule on/off for lights and fans

The lights and fan can be set on a timer to go off at a time you specify.

Home Automation System - Schedule on/off for lights and fans
Home Automation System - Favorite light/fan settings

Favorite light/fan settings

Set a few of the lights or fans that you use very frequently as your favorite items in the app so that those can be controlled quickly.

Android and iOS mobile Application

ClaySys Home Automation System is available in both Android and iOS mobile operating systems.

Home Automation System - Android and iOS Versions
Home Automation System - Google and Facebook Sign-in Options

Google and Facebook sign-in options

To begin using the home automation system, users can create an account in the app or directly sign in using their existing Facebook or Google account.

Floor By Floor Home Automation System

The Smartphone App will let you navigate to each floor of your villa for example, and let you switch on or off the individual power points by simply touching on each point. Touching any power point will toggle the electronic switch on or off as desired, and the Smartphone App interface will display the status of the point as being on or off. The User would be able to control not just the lights, fans, and power points, but the Air Conditioning system as well. The App interface has been designed to control points that are out of sight as well, or remotely.

Clicking on any area within the living space will bring up the toggle switch panel as shown above for that particular space. Each power point on the switch panel appears as a button, which will then respond to the touch of a finger, to toggle the switch on or off. Note that every point also has its traditional mechanical switch, so it can be turned on or off either through the traditional switch or through the smartphone app.

The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System
The ClaySys Home Automation System


The Home Automation Smartphone App and Technology has been designed, developed, and maintained by ClaySys Technologies Pvt Ltd, a sister company of ClaySys Lifestyle Pvt Ltd. It is critical to our customers to get proper ongoing support for such technology, and with support and maintenance provided by ClaySys Technologies, the home automation technology is assured of ongoing support as required. This approach is significantly better than opting for a black box technology that might work fine initially but would lack ongoing support. Homeowners obviously invest in a home to last a lifetime, so all aspects of the features of the ClaySys Lifestyle homes are planned with an assurance of ongoing support and maintenance.